Thursday, July 18, 2013

@tortillareform's timeline on Twitter .. 1 of 2


  1. The chicken was actually a stool pigeon about to double-cross the road when.. car.
  2. Beer below 5% can just fuck right off!
  3. Don't even act like your ass doesn't start dancing when the dance scene in Footloose comes on...I've seen you through your window..
  4. “Not road to greatness. Road to ruin,” ~Sarah Palin, overshooting landing strip and crashing headfirst into her own glory hole
  5. Grape Soduh or Abe Vigoda? “Clinton’s a schmuck.” Abe V
  6. To put it in perspective, we're feeling bad for multi-millionaires because they didn't win at something we made up to pass time.
  7. Facebook friending someone on twitter is like crossing light saber beams
  8. Spent 5 minutes at a co-worker's desk, watching a webcam of kittens. Now I want to kick my own ass.
  9. My self-censor efforts led to sequester. Sucks in this plucking feathers weather. Stuck wearing an asshat. I can’t get over it.
  10. I quit subtle energy intentional cable TV anchor crotch shot trance enhance truthiness transference study because fuck the news.
  11. I learn new stuff each time I watch Joe Dirt besides don't drink bong water. I knew that. I don't know DirtVinci Code, though.
  12. I knew it was a tropical storm because it had pulp.
  13. Everyone's license plate was the same; so lame. Mine had to change. Went with a mixing bowl motif, Big Chief. I mean, Officer.
  14. The Planter Project & ‘the possibilities of container gardening..” Public Seed Library (Zocalo Mag, pg. 10)
  15. There’s something about being an art official that just sounds so fake.
  16. It's not that I can't stand still, or stay put. It's just I look so gosh darn good over here sitting pretty. That's all.
  17. Ducks attack because they see through your bullshit and don't care for the bread you threw at them.
  18. Sooooo I was checkin out this chicks ass when I got on the wrong train.
  19. i think this wasp wants to hear me beatbox.
  20. My tattoo of: "Caution - surface is hot" looks stupid now...but when I'm an old woman it's going to be hifuckinglarious.
  21. I just shut the lights off on people in a public bathroom.
  22. You don't know what funny is until you've partied in a teepee w/12 other people: high & doing "Great Cornholio" impressions concurrently.
  23. Everyday hero: a hospital window washer who dresses as Spiderman to cheer up sick kids. ANYONE can make a difference.
  24. I almost certainly fuck things up & get it wrong. Often. Always(?) But my stupid heart's in the right fucking place.
  25. Pencils down. Pass your tweets forward. Class dismissed!
  26. Yes. I have been subtweeted. But, if nothing else, I was subtweeted by the very best. Who I will not name as my own form of subtweet revenge
  27. Apparently, any budget deficit, large or small, can be made up for by no longer stocking paper towels in the restrooms.
  28. Middle Class = Working Poor Please retweet
  29. If u are at a place where people don't hesitate to guide you to an address about which they themselves don't know , you are in New Delhi.
  30. Life is short. Try EVERYTHING once. Unless it involves too much effort. Or you have to get out of bed too early. That's fucked up.
  31. dear employers clients whoever all. so you know. we won't be performing hurrying over here in my spot. peace.
  32. More people would likely give a shit if we would properly define 'the poor'.
  33. I don't care which athlete or celebrity is gay, straight or bi...should be a non subject for the public...just saying.
  34. See? What did I tell you Dolores. This job's no better than the last.
  35. We illegally detain them for a decade. The least we could do is let them play soccer.
  36. Why not Atlas *Hugged*? C'mon, Rand!
  37. When my younger manager tries to get all tough, I feel like pinching his cheeks and going, "Who's a big boy, you're a big boy."
  38. Don't even bother listening to the's too anxiety provoking...not a damn thing we can do about any of it.
  39. *deletes all facebook friends*
  40. I'm trying, to not be angry all the time cuz I'm saving hate for the days that my age will make me look like Chuck Norris without botox.
  41. We're here we're queer and we're not going to rake it... Gay landscapers union.
  42. I hope that when the apocalypse does happen, it's just one Christian & one atheist in the world's most ridiculous slap fight.
  43. Always have to resist the urge to end messages to my boss with "Now leave me alone."
  44. My boss says he's finding ways to cut costs. So he hired this expensive financial consultant to help the company out.
  45. I used to be sane but then I took an arrow to the knee
  46. Idea: We all Follow each other's Followers in 1 massive Follow-in - no more pseudo celebrities & fans & elitism. Subvert the corporate model
  47. Think i'm just waiting for the next global catastrophe to really shine as a person, ya know
  48. Some will do anything to help you. Others will do anything for their own gain. When you learn the difference, you win.
  49. From my point of view,the Wall street occupiers(&other places)are people who took the red pill,& they know the truth about what "Matrix" is
  50. I would be dry if umbrellas were cool.
  51. "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" The Beatles - last lyric from the last song on their last album.
  52. The Capitalist's Case For A $15 Minimum Wage: Bloomberg View "rising inequality creates a death spiral"
  53. 10 Insanely Overpaid Nonprofit Execs Hewett Found, American Cancer Society, Heritage Found., MOMA, Boys&Girls Club ..
  54. I put the retweet in yogurt if you look closely, but watch out. Not too close if it’s Trix. You could get hit. With a bunny shot.
  55. I am not afraid of change. I am afraid of a life that never does.
  56. I know some of you have to go out of your way to see my tweets. And I feel honored when I see you here. <3
  57. It's not just the use of a derogatory word. It's about a persons actions. The stories not over yet, y'all.
  58. Every time George Michael loses faith a chemtrail decorates the sky.
  59. I wonder what the ratio in Congress is between the expert doodlers and those who can sleep with their eyes open.
  60. You should read this, even if you don't like to read. Wikileaks - Talk between Assange and Google's Schmidt
  61. If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress ~ Barack Obama ♥
  62. In my own peaceful zone, sending some love out into the universe xo
  63. As kid, I had a gang; a junior mafia, of sorts: the Pickyer Nostra. Was disbanded due to too much in-fighting. And booger flicking.
  64. What? I thought everybody liked watching train wrecks. Eyes over here.
  65. I don't get even with people that have wronged me. I get even with the people that have been good to me.
  66. Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.
  67. *takes off shirt, throws it to the absent audience and heads off for a nap* Don't touch it. The shirt, not yourself. Calm down. Breathe.
  68. I'm not a fan of cosmetic surgery in general but am wholeheartedly in support of fake teeth
  69. A sea of words, but no communication.
  70. I was just told I shouldn't say things about where Hoffa may be found, so, I will not tell u he's currently enjoying a burrito on Bagley Ave
  71. I'm always hopeful. I refuse to become cynical and hateful, no matter what or who the universe tests me with. Peace and love always.
  72. Guess it's really hard for some people to see things from all angles but if you want to be a complete human being you have to give that a go
  73. Tweeting after dark : grab my ass.
  74. Yes officer, I knew it was probably a fucking stupid idea, but someone had to make sure, right?
  75. True power is not feeling the need to belong to any clique, organization, or social circle. True power is independence.
  76. Meanwhile, tweets but just ignores all of the twitter drama! Asshole.
  77. We really want to have a debate about how, since heat rises, it's plausible that if there was a Heaven, it'd be hotter than Hell.
  78. My drug-soaked past is haunting me. Abused 'em without consent, say surviving relatives of drugs I did. Kind bud charges may stick.
  79. This tweet is the Super2Pac of politics.
  80. National domestic piss NP poopy wet DP gross. CDS bets CDO..wrapped crap From hell’s bowels, an owl howls, “I’d like to buy a vowel.”
  81. Michigan Supreme Court ruled simulating sex with blow-up dolls not grounds for firing, so your husband may get his teaching job back.
  82. If my name was Nostradumbass and could wrongly predict all stupid things to come, I'd totally get t-shirts made with my name on them.
  83. I’m surprised the United States hasn’t sued Twitter yet for copyright infringement.. For the glorification of stupidity. ;)
  84. Hard to skip over the realization that when you don’t hold up your end of the deal, I look like a crazy guy walking an invisible dog.
  85. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Mr. Obama Ms. Napolitano Do you or TSA know.. Where did all my Hare Krishnas go?
  86. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. - Donald Miller ♥
  87. “God only knows the difference between devout atheists & huge narcissists,” he said, as 3 rodeo clowns beat his ass & peed on his PC.
  88. Not as troubling I forgot I was on a raft & thought the land was moving away as it is that something just bit me & a line is forming.
  89. Been thinking about the good old days before Kanye arrived on scene. Spent today listening to the U2 song, "Twitter Without You."
  90. "The town was famous for its butter and its eunuchs." This book is losing me fast.
  91. Best decision I ever made was to let myself be happy as often as possible, over as little as possible. Made all the difference.
  92. None of the big clothes companies offered to help the poor kid who survived from Bangladesh collapse.They pay marketing managers for nothing
  93. I accidentally broke up with my ex-girlfriend last night, by text. I thought we had broken up weeks ago. &womenRdifferent
  94. Sometimes I ReTweet a Tweet I don't understand because I believe if I did understand it, I would laugh.
  95. I'm not racist, but I'm not start a tweet that way, not racist.
  96. They forming lines for food & at the other side for IPhone 5. NO ONE God who created this species can take himself seriously.
  97. I write for a living but damn if I can figure out the elusive comma splice rule. Ah, maybe I gives a damn, maybe I don't gives a damn.
  98. Why doesn't McDonald's have onion rings? Also, Ross was my least favorite Friend.
  99. I just figured out that "my baby mama" = "my baby's mama." Woo-hoo! Next up: shizzle.
  100. If you ask me... Twitter is the new Birth Control !!!
  101. I think we all know now that "meth" was the correct answer to that question Dwayne Johnson kept asking at his wrestling matches.
  102. Fact: for the exact same amount of $ the govt spends to buy the army an attack helicopter, they could buy me an attack helicopter.
  103. Judging by who has recently unfollowed me, I am offensive to both sides of politics. I'm balanced!
  104. Punching myself in the face while putting my bra on doesn't make me awesome but I didn't cry this time and that does ..!..
  105. Today, Meth would be the personality that would make people dance (for 5 days straight) not Kevin Bacon. Footloose is such bullshit.
  106. I'd recognize those boob avis anywhere, Todd.
  107. 11 to me- "Since you're old and gonna die first, how will I find you when I get to heaven?" 9- "Just have her paged on the intercom."
  108. Two things that can measure who you really are: The way you manage when you have nothing and the way you behave when you have everything.
  109. I would imagine from tv ads that a lot of you are impotent and have foot fungus and sleep disorders. Sorry y'all.
  110. "Bachelor Of Science In Confusion Creation". Universities are offering this degree more & the rest of us get stuck in shit cuz of it
  111. Sometimes I might tweet about ducks. In my head, the tweet will be about the devaluing currency in Venezuela. AND YOU’LL NEVER KNOW!!
  112. invent me out of made up words sculpt me with invisible hands paint me outside the lines sing me into existence a miracle without a witness
  113. The best revenge is when u just continue living ur life& u shine in all that u do& u forget ur even seeking revenge cuz fuck that person.
  114. "Obama Voluntarily Takes 5% Pay Cut To Show Solidarity With Those Affected By Sequester" This guy can talk the talk AND walk the walk.
  115. Only god knows how many french fries have slipped down under my emergency brake cover.
  116. Canadian girls like it in the boot.
  117. So many of you. Are soooo beautiful. Dear God, I hope you know that.
  118. Be the reason someone smiles today.
  119. ME. No one likes me at my new job. SIS. Well, that was bound to happen.
  120. Those of you who order fish at dinner are ruining the atmosphere for the rest of us.
  121. Once the screaming dies down I'll explain why I'm trying the dresses on in this shop.
  122. My life would be so much better if I had an Amanda Bynes tracker app.
  123. Ran a bath, checked Twitter, flooded Europe.
  124. I'll trade someone ten of my shitty tweets, NAYYY.... ALL OF EM, for a bag of Doritos.
  125. Congrats on your fucking tweet
  126. I only give out trophies because Favstar says you are going to love me now
  127. “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ― George Bernard Shaw
  128. i thought every tweet was a subtweet.. who knew??
  129. I have to get over the immoral damnation I have with buying my own sex slave before I can buy Twitter followers.
  130. Nobel Prize-Winner Joe Stiglitz Blasts America's 1 Percent-Coddling Tax System
  131. Sometimes mom eats an avocado right out of the shell and then I call the Kids Help Phone hotline to shoot the breeze with someone.
  132. ~ Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it. ~Unknown ♥
  133. *spends 15 years getting advanced degrees in astrophysics* *spends 20 years discovering new planet* *names planet dildo69* *high-5s science*
  134. Lord of the Rings was also a cautionary economic tale. Gollum invested in precious metals, whereas Frodo was a shireholder.
  135. I'm hoping rediscovering my wild side will lead me down the path of getting laid.
  136. It's weird how I can be the "crazy one" & the only one who actually knows what the hell is really going on.

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